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Given a protein alignment and unaligned nucleotides, align the nucleotides using the protein alignment. Protein and nucleotide sequence files must contain the same number of sequences, in the same order, with the same IDs.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../", line 7, in <module>
  File "/var/build/user_builds/seqmagick/checkouts/0.6.0/seqmagick/scripts/", line 12, in main
    action, arguments = parse_arguments(argv)
  File "/var/build/user_builds/seqmagick/checkouts/0.6.0/seqmagick/scripts/", line 58, in parse_arguments
    for name, mod in subcommands.itermodules():
  File "/var/build/user_builds/seqmagick/checkouts/0.6.0/seqmagick/subcommands/", line 7, in itermodules
    __import__('%s.%s' % (root, command), fromlist=[command]))
  File "/var/build/user_builds/seqmagick/checkouts/0.6.0/seqmagick/subcommands/", line 8, in <module>
    from Bio import Alphabet, SeqIO
ImportError: No module named Bio